Exploring Gateware Design with Libero#

In this demonstration, we’ll be exploring the BeagleV-Fire gateware in the Libero Design Suite, making changes to the default gateware. This demo will serve as an introduction to the design tool, an alternative method for developing gateware.


The prerequisites required for creating the Libero project locally are:

  1. Microchip design tools: Refer to the document here for installation instructions of microchip FPGA tools.

  2. Python requirements for gateware build scripts:

pip3 install gitpython
pip3 install pyyaml
  1. Build requirements:

sudo apt install device-tree-compiler


For convience, you can install a python command alias like so:

sudo apt install python-is-python3

This is optional, but remember to use python3 in later command examples if you don’t.

  1. Environment variables: The following environment variables are required for compilation:




    A script is provided for setting up these variables in the fpga tools installation section.
    An example script for setting up the environment is available here.

5. It is highly recommended to go through the Customize BeagleV-Fire Cape Gateware Using Verilog tutorial to understand the basics of the gateware structure.

Cloning and Building the Gateware#

First, we must source the environment to include the microchip tools.

source /path/to/microchip/fpga/tools/setup-microchip-tools.sh

Next, we’ll clone the gateware repository to get a local copy of the project.

git clone https://openbeagle.org/beaglev-fire/gateware.git
cd gateware
We can then use the build-bitstream.py script to generate a Libero project for us,
where we can start making our changes.


Make sure to source the microchip setup script before starting the next command.
This is required every time you open a new terminal.
python build-bitstream.py ./build-options/default.yaml # exploring the default gateware

This should start a big log stating the compilation of the project. First, the device tree overlays are compiled, which contain information for linux about the gateware.

Next, the Hart Software Services (HSS) is compiled. This acts as a zero-stage bootloader, configuring the Polarfire SoC and allowing services like loading the next stage bootloader and flashing the eMMC of the board.

Then the libero project generating is started. Here, TCL scripts inside the sources directory are executed, starting with the BUILD_BVF_GATEWARE.tcl script. This stitches each HDL module, IP, hardware configuration together in the gateware.

Once bitstream generation is completed, the Libero project is ready to be opened.
Start Libero on the same terminal in linux, like so:
libero &

or from the start menu in Windows, and open the project file by pressing CTRL+O and selecting the generated project as gateware/work/libero/BVF_GATEWARE_025T.prjx .

Libero project location

Fig. 482 Libero project location#

Exploring The Design#

Let the IDE load everything, and then you’re all set to browse around! You can go to the Design Hierarchy view to look at all Smart Design components. Here, all the gateware components are listed in block-like views. Double click the DEFAULT_****** option in the hierarchy to have a look at the whole gateware. You should also be able to see the cape, M.2 interface and the RISC-V subsystem modules. These modules are explained in Gateware Introduction.

Libero gateware overview

Fig. 483 Libero gateware overview#

Adding Custom HDL#

Once you’re done exploring, we can start by adding our first HDL to the design.
Create a new HDL file through the menu bar, and name it blinky.
Once created, you can find the HDL file under the User HDL Source Files
heading in the Design Hierarchy.
Adding new HDL

Fig. 484 Adding new HDL#

Next, add this code to the file:

`timescale 1ns/100ps
module blinky(
input    clk,
input    resetn,
input [27:0] gpio_out,
input [27:0] gpio_enable,
output [27:0] modified_gpio,
output [27:0] modified_gpio_enable

reg [22:0] counter;
assign modified_gpio = {gpio_out[27:6], counter[22], gpio_out[4:0]};
assign modified_gpio_enable = {gpio_enable[27:6], 1'b1, gpio_enable[4:0]};

always@(posedge clk or negedge resetn)
            counter <= 23'h0;
            counter <= counter + 23'b1;
After saving it, press the Build Hierarchy button in the Design Hierarchy window to refresh it,
and bring the added HDL to the work directory.
Right click on it to select the “Create Core from HDL….” option.
Press No on the dialog that follows since we’ve described the ports completely in our HDL.
Create core from HDL

Fig. 485 Create core from HDL#

Now, double click the CAPE design under the DEFAULT_**** smart design,
to have a look at what’s in the cape.
Drag and drop the blinky file appearing in the work section into the cape design.
You will have successfully instantiated the new verilog file into the cape smart design.
Add blinky to cape

Fig. 486 Add blinky to cape#

Making The Connections#

You should see the blinky module within the CAPE design,
and it should be fairly obvious where we’re going to be connecting
the module if you’ve gone through the previous demo.
First, delete the wires connecting the GPIO_OUT and GPIO_OE to the CAPE_DEFAULT_GPIOS module.
Then, simply connect the GPIO_OUT and the GPIO_OE terminals of the cape
to the gpio_out and the gpio_enable pins respectively.
Similarly connect the outputs of the blinky module to the CAPE_DEFAULT_GPIOS module.
Connect blinky to cape

Fig. 487 Connect blinky to cape#

Finally, connect the CLK and the RESET pins to the PCLK and the PRESETN pins below in the cape.
You can use the compress layout button in the toolbar to make the design neat once you’re done connecting the wires.
Go ahead and save the CAPE file.
You can also verify the design by pressing the checkmark icon in the editor toolbar.
Now, it’s time to export our design back to the gateware repository.

Exporting The Design#

Exporting the Cape#

The SmartDesigns you have changed should show an “i” icon in front of them indicating
that they need to be regenerated.
First, regenerate the designs by right clicking on them and selecting “Generate Component”.
Rebuild the Hierarchy too as we’ve done before.
Regenerate designs

Fig. 488 Regenerate designs#

Next, right-click on the cape and select “Export Component Description (TCL)” to export it
as a script which can be used in the gateware repository.
I suggest creating an export directory where you can temporarily store the exported gateware files before getting them into the repository.


You must make sure your path exist, because Libero does not currently tell you if the export is successfull or not.

Now, simply copy it into the gateware at the following path.

cp ~/export/gateware/CAPE.tcl ~/gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/components/CAPE/DEFAULT/

Exporting The HDL#

To add new HDL to the gateware repository, first we need to copy it
to the HDL directory at gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/HDL.
You can do that by just creating a folder named blinky inside and copying the HDL to it.
mkdir ~/gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/HDL/BLINKY
cp ~/gateware/work/libero/hdl/blinky.v ~/gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/HDL/BLINKY/
Now, to add the TCL script to import this design for the CAPE scripts,
we can export the script by right-clicking on the HDL file in the Design Hierarchy and select Export Component Description.
Export HDL

Fig. 489 Export HDL#

Now, concatenate the contents of this exported file to our gateware’s HDL sourcing script at gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/hdl_source.tcl like so:

cat blinky.tcl >> ~/gateware/sources/FPGA-design/script_support/hdl_source.tcl
First, copy the contents of the exported TCL file to the bottom of the file.
Replace the -file argument in the line with -file $project_dir/hdl/blinky.v.
Finally, source the file by add a line below line no. 11 as:
    -hdl_source {script_support/HDL/AXI4_address_shim/AXI4_address_shim.v} \
    -hdl_source {script_support/HDL/BLINKY/blinky.v} #  Source the script below line 11

#...... towards the end of the file

hdl_core_assign_bif_signal -hdl_core_name {AXI_ADDRESS_SHIM} -bif_name {AXI4_INITIATOR} -bif_signal_name {RREADY} -core_signal_name {INITIATOR_OUT_RREADY}

create_hdl_core -file $project_dir/hdl/blinky.v -module {blinky} -library {work} -package {}
# ⓶ Add the core at the end of the file

Feel free to cut any extra comment lines introduced when concatenating above. Verify your script as above, save it and now you’re good to compile your project!


Make sure you close Libero at this point.
If you don’t, build-bitstream.py will fail to properly checkout the required licenses.

Now is a good time to check in your changes to git:

cd ~/gateware
git add ./sources/FPGA-design/script_support/components/CAPE/DEFAULT/CAPE.tcl
git add ./sources/FPGA-design/script_support/hdl_source.tcl
git add ./sources/FPGA-design/script_support/HDL/BLINKY/blinky.v
git clean -df

Final Verification#

Go ahead and run the python script to build the gateware and verify your changes:

python build-bitstream.py ./build-options/default.yaml
If at any point the compilation fails, you can debug the script at the mentioned line.
If it compiles successfully, it will mention it by saying:
The Execute Script command succeeded.
The BVF_GATEWARE_025T project was closed.
With a little luck, the script completes successfully and you can
now send your changes onto your gateware repository fork,
download the artifacts after compilation,
and program the gateware using the change_gateware.sh script.


For a more direct route you can copy the generated bitstream straight to your Beagle and try the result immidiately:

scp -r ./bitstream beagle@<ip or name here>:

On the beagle, use:

sudo /usr/share/beagleboard/gateware/change-gateware.sh ./bitstream

Have fun!